Minutes of 2014 AGM, 10th December 2014
Annual General Meeting
Meeting Date…10.12.2014
Meeting opened at 6.42 p.m. by the Chairman Paul Simpkins who welcomed all present.
A minutes silence was observed in memory of those who passed away during the year…. Jack O’Sullivan, Greg Boyd, Lye Buckley, Max Godfrey, Robert Hunt, Robert Semmens and fir relatives and friends of Association members.
ATTENDANCE: As per attendance sheets: 66 in attendance.
22 Life Members, 16 Active Members, 8 Non Active Members, 13 Delegates, 6 Junior Members, 1 Visitor.
The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting with particular reference to Special Guests, William Drury ( President of the CRLRA) and Tony Archer (Elite Referee Performance Manager).,
Appointment of Scrutineers: Brien Gately, Doug Wintin were nominated by the Chairman who called for the meeting’s approval which was granted.
APOLOGIES: Peter Longhurst, Tony De Las Heras, Peter Filmer, Paul McBlane, Barry Goldsworthy, Jason Walsh, Dave Munro, Brendan Lucas, Steve Betts, Adam Cassidy, James Teague, Matt Hewitt, Gerard Sutton, Graeme West, Damian Briscoe, John Woods, Brett Lynch, Jon Stone, Grant Atkins, Oliver Levido, Barry Ruttle, Chris James, Michael Stone, John Gocher, Barry Cross, Todd Smith.
Acceptance of Apologies. Moved B.Gately, Seconded D.Wintin. Carried
MINUTES: Moved M.Dunn, Seconded D. Spagarino , that the Minutes of the 2013 Annual General Meeting be confirmed and adopted. Carried.
1. The Police Rugby League Referees’ Association affiliation was terminated at the May Board meeting following a show cause investigation and discussions with Peter Bungate and Daryl Alexander.
2. The $21,461deficit incurred in 2013 was turned around, as promised, to produce a $5734 surplus in 2014.
3. Internal Auditors, Peter Filmer and Steve Betts, were elected at the March General meeting
4. The ARLRA was wound up in September, 2014 but that Association gave birth to a new Association, The Australian Emerging States Rugby League Referees Association which the Board of the NSWRLRA Inc. has agreed to support.
Adoption Moved B.Barry, Seconded I.McCall . Carried
Items 11614-13117 tabled
Items 14108-14130 tabled.
Acceptance of Correspondence. Moved, B.Barry Seconded Barry Beveridge. Carried.
Paul Simpkins stated that his full Report for the year was in the Annual Report. Reflecting on his first year as Chairman he thanked all those who had provided him with assistance. He said his role was a “Work in Progress” and believed that the Association had progressed during 2014 making particular reference to The Strategic Management Plan which is in place in Draft Form and he invited comment on it prior to it being finalised in February, 2015. He said that the Plan holds the Board accountable to the document and to every member of the Association. “What we stand for is in the document.” he said.
He said that the Game is changing but he was very pleased with the Coaching and Development of our referees in all three Squads. He thanked the NRL and Tony Archer for the inclusion of some Life Members in some of their activities stating that the Association’s history needs to be cherished and acknowledged. In 2015 the Association’s role in Coaching and Development will be vital in building bridges between the NRL and the Association and the glue in bringing it all together. He said he forsees the Pathways being opened up further.
The Chairman said that The Strategic Management Plan emphasizes the Refereeing Family and that this is what this Annual General Meeting represents but also extends deeply into our Affiliates and there is a need to move forward in that direction.
He congratulated all those who had officiated during 2014 and thanked their coaches, Assessors and Mentors for their input.
Ben Cummins moved the adoption of the Report stating that it was obvious much hard work had gone in to its assembly. Brenden Woods seconded the adoption. . Carried.
Phil Haines moved the adoption of the Report. Phil said that as the former Treasurer of the Penrith Association he was very aware of the work involved in its assembly. He congratulated Jimmy Oliveira on securing $100,000 in partnerships for District Associations with “The Good Guys” and congratulated the Board on turning around a $21,461 deficit in 2013 to a $5734 surplus in 2014.
Tony Danks seconded the adoption of the Report stating that it was a pleasure to endorse the comments made by Phil Haines and the work done by Jimmy Oliveira. Tony gave an explanation for the deficit of 2013 stating that it was paper loss not a real loss and was a way of reducing a surplus of funds in the Bank Accounts. Carried
Nominations: I.McCall, B.Barry, D.Wintin.
B.Barry declined the nomination. Messrs McCall and Wintin elected as Patrons.
1. Chairman. One nomination received, Paul Simpkins . Paul Simpkins elected as Chairman unopposed
2. Executive Officer. One nomination received. Frank Leonard elected unopposed.
3. Director of Finance. One nomination received. Jimmy Oliveira elected unopposed
4. Director of Member Services. One nomination received. Luke Bugden elected unopposed.
5. Director of Referee Development. One nomination received. Matt Hewitt elected unopposed.
6. Director of Affiliate Liaison. One nomination received. Doug Keen elected unopposed.
7. Director of Marketing and Communication. George Jankowski. Elected unopposed.
The Executive Officer was asked to read the Special Resolution which was “The Financial year of the Association shall commence on the first day of November each year and end on the thirty-first day of October in the following year.”
. Jimmy Oliveira was asked to explain the reason for the change .There was no
discussion and the Resolution was moved by J.Oliveira, seconded F.Leonard and
carried unanimously in a show of hands.
1. That member’s subscriptions shall be ten dollars ($10.00) or two dollars ($2.00) for a pensioner. Moved J.Griffiths, seconded B.Cummins. Carried
2. That Affiliated Associations shall pay an Affiliation Subscription of twenty dollars. ($20.00) Moved B.Gately, seconded I.McCall. Carried
3. That in 2015 the Association will hold four (4) General Meetings commencing at 6.30p.m in the Sydney Olympic Park precinct Moved B.Barry, seconded T.Danks. Carried.
Four members were nominated. Of the four, two declined the nomination and David Jay was recommended by the Board for consideration for Life Membership by the members present. Following a ballot, the Returning Officer, Doug Wintin, reported that David Jay failed to reach the 75% support from the 61 votes cast that is required for the granting of Life Membership.
B.Barry moved Ballot Papers be destroyed. Seconded by Max Dunn Carried.
During the counting of votes the meeting was addressed by William Drury , President of the CRLRA and Shayne Hayne, recently retired NRL First Grade referee appointed by the NRL to coach the Holden Cup Squad in 2015.
Peter Filmer and Steve Betts were appointed.
1. Mark Bohan (Penrith). Graded from the Junior Representative Squad as a Touch Judge ( Metal Badge, Tie , Graded Certificate , Association pen presented )
2. Life Members Badge to Steve Clark, Brett Lynch
Framed Photographs of On-Field officials.
3. State of Origin 1 and 2.
Shayne Hayne, Ben Cummins, Russell Turner and Nick Beashel
4. State of Origin 3.
Ben Cummins, Gerard Sutton, Steve Carral l, Jason Walsh
5. Telstra Premiership Grand Final.
Shayne Hayne, Gerard Sutton, Steve Carrall, Jason Walsh
6. Holden Cup Grand Final
Chris Sutton, Lawrence McDonnell, Phil Henderson
7. NSW Cup Grand Final
Liam Nicholls, Michael Laverty, John Woods
8. Ron Massey Cup Grand Final.
Adam Cassidy, Jay Farlow, Jimmy Oliveira.
9. Sydney Shield Grand Final
Chris Treneman, Mat Damaso, Richard Daizli, James Vella, Ben Teague.
10. 300 Club Inductee and Memento.
Shayne Hayne 409 games made up of 328 Centres, 69 Touch Judge, 12 Video Referee.
Meeting closed at 8.25p.m