1.Affiliate Liaison Committee Matthew Hewitt, Doug Keen, Frank Leonard
2. Marketing & Communication Committee Frank Leonard, Tim Robinson
3. Historical and Archives C’tee Chris Turner , Greg McCallum, Luke Bugden (Terry Williams from the NSWRL has offered his expertise),
4. Social C’tee ..., , Luke Bugden , Doug Keen. Tim Robinson, Michael Jones
5. Peer Support and Welfare C’tee. , , Doug Keen, Ian McCall
7. Workplace Relations ( Fees & Condition) George Jankowski,
8. Sponsorship Committee:,
9. Seminar and Conference Committee Max Dunn
10. “Men of League” Chapter. Peter Filmer, Ian McCall, Darren Alchin
The Chairman is an ex-officio member of all Committees as per Section 1.4 of the Description of Directors’ Roles outlined in The Constitution.
The Board of the NSWRLRA wishes to thank all of the above who have volunteered to assist the Board in taking the Association forward in 2017 The lists are not closed. .Members may indicate an interest whilst others will be invited by the Board to fill vacancies and increase membership.
Frank leonard