Annual General Meeting 10th December 2012

Minutes of the 2012 AGM, 10th December 2012



Annual General Meeting

Meeting Date…10.12.2012


Meeting opened at 7.02 p.m by the Chairman Chris Ward who welcomed all present.

A minutes silence was observed in memory of those who passed away during the year. Lindsay Plowes, Jack Bradley, Noel Patten, Thomas Crawford, Arthur Konneke, Jack Adams, Lin Turner, Albert Perry, Gus McGilvray, Robert Tinsley, Katherine Oultram


ATTENDANCE : As per attendance sheets: 132 present.

32 Life Members, 44 Active Members, 32 Non Active Members, 21 Delegates,                1 Honorary Member, Junior Members 2


APOLOGIES: Paul Kalina , Ashley Kline, Ross Picard, Bert Reedy, Col Jones ,John Connor, Peter  Fitton, Max Godfrey, Joshua McGowan.


 Acceptance of Apologies. Moved B.Gately, Seconded B.Ruttle  . Carried


MINUTES: Moved G.McCallum, , Seconded   B.Barry that the  Minutes of the 2012 Annual General Meeting be confirmed and adopted.  Carried



1.The questions raised by Alan Farlow as to the appropriation of money raised at the 2010 Presentation Evening through a Silent Auction was investigated  and all monies were accounted for.


2. Greg McCallum resigned as Director of Referee Development at the end of April 2012 and the Casual Vacancy was filled by Shayne Hayne in May. Shayne resigned in August and the Casual Vacancy was filled by Gavin Badger.


3. The Graded Certificates were delivered to Paul Duncan, Liam Nicholls , Ryan Jackson and Scot Murray as directed by the meeting.


4. Graeme Annesley was presented with the Shield that recognizes his refereeing career at the opening of the HQ Blues Bar at the NSW Leagues Club in February, this function organized by Greg McCallum and the shield was presented by Dennis Spagarino and Frank Leonard


Adoption of Business Arising. Moved Barry Ruttle, Seconded Doug Wintin. Carried 



15812 – 17412 Tabled. Two items of late Correspondence received.

17512               Brendan Wood. Withdrawal of nomination for position of Director of

                         Marketing and Communication.

17612               Norfolk Island Junior Rugby League Club. Nominating Dom Paton as

                         delegate to the Annual General Meeting and a cheque for $10 for





1295-12120 Tabled. No issues raised.George.


Acceptance of Correspondence . Moved M.Lewis , Seconded  S.Clapson Carried.



  • Chairman stated that “A View from the Chair” had been  forwarded to all members some weeks  prior to the Annual General Meeting.  Chairman felt  that was  sufficient to  summarise what has occurred since the publication of the Annual Report.


Adoption of the Report. Moved B.Barry, Seconded B.Gilchrist Carried.




Doug Wintin was invited by the Chairman, C.Ward to move the adoption of the Annual Report. Doug said he recognized that there had been factional issues throughout the year. That aside, he thanked the Directors and  Coaches for their time and dedicated efforts in developing the summaries contained in the Reports. He stated that the District Associations do greatly appreciate their efforts. Doug said that it may appear that the current situation is farcical. He said he was a proud Life Member and urged the new Directors to step back, swallow some pride and move the Association forward.


Gerard Sutton , in seconding the adoption of the Report, reiterated the comments and sentiments expressed by the mover. He said that among other things, the Report touched on the gear supplied and progress being made with female referees. Regrettably, he said, the Report reflects some of the acrimony that exists amongst some of the Board members and that it was time that common sense prevailed. He believed that those present at the meeting would make judgements as will future generations of referees.


ADOPTION OF ANNUAL REPORT. Moved D.Wintin, seconded G.Sutton. Carried.



Darren Alchin thanked the Board for the privilege to move the adoption of the Report. He said he believed that the objectives and the principal activities of the Association had been financially supported giving rise to a small deficit. He said he saw little difference in the figures between 2011 and 2012. He commended J Oliveira on his work as the Director of Finance aware of the greater responsibilities and requirements of the 2009 Incorporated Associations  Act with regard to Financial Management.

David Abood seconded the adoption of the Report concurring with the remarks by Darren Alchin and he also congratulated J.Oliveira on his efforts.


Adoption of the Report. Moved D.Alchin, Seconded D.Abood..    Carried



D.Spagarino queried the financial position of Norfolk Island Junior Rugby League and the Chairman’s ruling that the delegate, Dom Paton, was ineligible to vote. J.Oliveira said he had received a cheque for $10 from the Executive Officer prior to the meeting but that only covered Norfolk Island’s affiliation for 2010 leaving them unfinancial for 2011 and 2012.


Nominations were called for a Returning Officer resulting in D.Wintin being nominated. Scrutineers appointed were B.Gately, S.Betts, B.Gilchrist and P. Bungate. Moved B.Barry, seconded  D Spagarino that all nominations be accepted. Carried.

Some confusion occurred in that B.Gilchrist said he had been invited by the Chairman, C.Ward to Chair the Election of Officers but D.Wintin took control of the Meeting.


PATRONS (  Overlooked and no election conducted)



1.     Chairman . Two nominations received., Chris Ward and Michael Stone . Following the ballot the eligibility of a delegate from the Police Referees Association to vote was challenged by D.Keen. A motion was moved by J.Oliveira , seconded G.Sutton that the delegates vote be seen as valid. Following discussion G.Sutton said he would not support the motion. D.Wintin said that unless a seconder was found all ballot papers would be destroyed and a second ballot conducted. S.Hampstead seconded the motion and it was Carried.

Michael Stone elected as Chairman by 68-58 votes with 3 Informal. .

2.      Executive Officer. Two nominations received.  Frank Leonard and Martin Ryan Frank Leonard elected by 79-46 with 4 informal.

3.     Director  of Finance. Two nominations  received. Jimmy Oliveira  and Max Dunn.. Jimmy Oliveira elected by 78-46 with 5 informal.

4.     Director of Member Services. Two nominations received. Luke Bugden and Russell Turner . Luke Bugden elected by 64-61 with  4 informal.

5.     Director of Referee Development. Two nominations received.. Gavin Badger and Tom Healy. Gavin Badger elected   by 105-16 with 8 informal.

6.     Director of Affiliate Liaison. Two nominations received, Doug Keen and Jason Elkins .Doug Keen elected by 72-51 with 6 informal..

7.     Director of Marketing and Communication. One nomination received, George Jankowski. Elected unopposed.

B.Cross moved, seconded B.Barry that Ballot Papers be destroyed. .Carried.  


Outgoing Chairman, C.Ward, expressed his appreciation for what had occurred during 2012 and congratulated all Directors elected, especially Michael Stone who then assumed the role of Chairman of the meeting.



  1. That   member’s subscriptions shall be ten dollars ($10.00) or two dollars ($2.00) for a pensioner.
  2. That Affiliated Associations shall pay an Affiliation Subscription of twenty dollars. ($20.00)
  3.  That in 2013 the Association will hold four (4) General Meetings commencing at 6.30p.m at Sports House, Homebush.

Moved, T.Healy  seconded B.Gately that all three be accepted. .Carried.



Four  members were nominated, Steve Clark, David Jay, Luke Bugden and Michael Lewis . Of the four, Luke Bugden and Michael Lewis were   recommended by the Board for consideration for Life Membership by the members present. Following a ballot, both were elected to Life Membership having secured 75% of the vote of those eligible to vote.

Michael Stone congratulated both and everyone who had stood for a ballot at the meeting especially at a time when things were a little tense.


B.Gately moved Ballot Papers be destroyed .  Seconded   B.Barry.  Carried.


NOMINATION OF INTERNAL AUDITORS ( Not completed. Overlooked)



William Drury, President of the CRLRA. William reported that Kevin Riolo, Secretary for 36 years had retired and was replaced by Kevin Rayment form Group 3.. William said that the lack of Senior referees was the biggest challenge facing the CRLRA and that he was looking forward to working with the new Board of the NSWRLRA.



Outgoing Chairman, C.Ward, presented the Graded Squad Clubman of the Year Award to Matt Damaso.



  1. Executive Officer, Frank Leonard,  commented on the quality of the Annual Report and thanked Junior Representative referee, James Vella, a Graphic Design Artist, for the efforts he had made under difficult circumstances in the compilation of the document and seeing it through to printing. He said that an honorarium had been paid to James went little way to rewarding  him fully for the time and effort he devoted to the task but maintained a parity with honorariums paid to Directors who gave of their time over a twelve month period. The vote of thanks was carried by acclamation.
  2. J.Oliveira spoke on the presentation given at the State Conference of “The Good Guys” and indicated that three store owners on Canberra and North Sydney did not support the sponsorship proposal. He believed that the remainder of store owners supported it and a decision would be made prior to Christmas. He also thanked the District Affiliates represented at the presentation but identified a problem in that individual Districts were now approaching “Good Guys” stores to negotiate a deal outside the agreement. He asked that District Associations refrain from this.
  3. Michael Stone said he had heard the words of D.Wintin and G.Sutton  expressed earlier in the meeting re what had occurred during 2012.He said this was not a first for the Association and there had been times in the past when things were worse. He said that not one person was responsible and that he would try to ensure that the new Board works for all categories of membership.

He wished all present well for Christmas and the New Year.


Meeting closed at 8.25p.m




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