General Meeting 2nd March 2015

Minutes of the General Meeting 2nd March 2015






6.50 p.m


Sports House, Sydney Olympic Park, HOMEBUSH.


As per Attendance Sheets (60 in attendance)


Brien Gately ,Paul Holland, Michael Lewis, Ben Teague, George Jankowski, Stan Watson ,Rod Cranston, James Vella, Brendan Wood, Barry Ruttle, Barry Beveridge, Max Dunn, Andrew Zapantis



Minutes and Actions of this Meeting

Motion of Condolence Danny McAuliffe and Steve Nash ( Record of Steve’s career as written by Tony Archer was read to the meeting.) One minutes silence was observed.

Acceptance of Apologies. Moved B.Barry , Seconded I.McCall. Carried.

Adoption of Minutes of the 1st September, 2014 Moved P.Filmer Seconded . P.Cooley. Carried

Business Arising from Previous Minutes .

1. All NRL Referees are financial for Season 2014-2015 up until the 30th September.

2. The decision to present an Anzac Medal to just four members has been extended to all Officials appointed to games on Anzac Day.

3. Responses to the Graded Squad Surveys on Ground Facilities and issues with Club Officials, Coaches and/or players was communicated to Tony Danks.

4. Cronulla Sutherland Association met with the Cronulla Junior League at the end of the season and a number of issues were addressed with an undertaking to work towards improved relationship and partnership.

5. A Junior Representative Squad referee from Canberra assaulted in a Club at the end of season 2014 returned to the Squad in 2015 but has now withdrawn from all refereeing duties.

6. The MOU described at the September Meeting as “almost ready for presentation to the Graded Squad for feedback” was presented to the NSWRL on Wednesday the 25thFebruary. The Director of Finance will have more to say on this in his Report.

7. Prospective Partnerships with Stepping Stone and The Good Guys at Caringbah were both withdrawn in October, 2014.

8. Arising from incidents during 2014 the NRL and the NSWRL have developed and circulated policies relating to drugs and gambling and on Rugby League.

9. The NRL was approached re Insurance of NSW Graded referees training with the NRL Squad and was advised that they are covered by the NRL’s Insurance policy.

10. David Jay’s nomination for Life Membership failed to attract the required number of votes at the 2014 Annual General Meeting.

Adoption of Business Arising . Moved R.Garwood, , Seconded I.McCall. Carried.  


Board Minutes Summaries from 25.09.14 , 30.10.14, 24.11.14, 29.01.15, 25.02.15 were tabled.

P.Kalina asked for information on the meeting of P.Simpkins, F.Leonard and M.Hewitt with Silvio Del Vechhio on a proposal by the NRL Squad to form their own Association. He expressed his disappointment that a body to whom the NSWRLRA supplies referees would want to form their own Association.

P.Simpkins responded outlining the contents of the discussion referring to agreement by the 2014 Board to allow  the Squad to proceed, the meetings already conducted, the sticking points that have arisen and the current situation where the Board is waiting for a copy of the proposed Constitution and the Objects of the proposed Association..

Silvio Del Vecchio also responded stating that heir needs to be a body to represent the NRL Squad in the area of Welfare but gave a very firm assurance that all of the NRL Squad wanted to maintain their membership of the NSWRLRA..


ADOPTION OF BOARD MINUTES. Moved, G.McCallum Seconded B.Barry . Carried.





PRESENTATION BY Gavin Reynolds ( NRL Referee)

Gavin explained that the NRL Squad members were asked to undertake a project in 2014 following specific guidelines and that he had chosen to explore the Refereeing Careers of Laurie Bruyeres and Gary Cook. The seven minutes audio-visual presentation covered the development and highlights of the career of Laurie Bruyeres, his Presidency of the NSWRLRA, his Life Membership of the NSWRLRA and Western Suburbs RLRA ,and his skill as an orator that led to the establishment of the Laurie Bruyeres Recitation at the Life Members luncheon where Guest Speakers from the Rugby League family are invited to address the gathering, and the legacy Laurie left on his passing.


Executive Officer: Mr Frank Leonard



Due Date

  • Correspondence In










  • Correspondence Out
  • Acceptance of Correspondence Moved, R.Garwood ,Seconded D.Briscoe-Hough. CARRIED
  • Report







  • 2015

















  • NRAS State Manager
  • Life Members Survey

Items 10714-3615 were tabled.

B.Barry asked when Sports House would no longer be available. D.Keen stated that the 28th March would be the last day of occupancy. The Referees’ Coaching and Development Unit would move to a building 1 kilometre from Sports House which would be demolished and replaced by Home Units.

Items14104-1527 were tabled.




F.Leonard covered the period 2nd September, 2015 to the present stating that he was responsible for the major decisions and actions of the Board in the Board summaries but they also include actions by other Board members.

Because it was a new year the Executive Officer listed some of his actions during January –February which included :-

CRLRA Seminar 30.1.15-1.2.15

Level 1 On Line and Face to Face Course

(Illawarra) 9.2.15

Illawarra General Meeting .10.2.15

Canberra AGM 10.2.15

Cronulla AGM 11.2.15

Canterbury- Bankstown AGM 19.2.15

NSW Leagues Club Emergency Meeting 20.2.15

NSWRL AGM 20.2.15

NSWRL/NSWRLRA Conference 22.2.15

F.Leonard reported on the main issues from each meeting

D.Keen re-appointed for two years.

23 of 52 members responded. Survey processed and results given to L.Bugden to develop recommendations for the March Board meeting.


Director of Referee Development : Mr Matthew Hewitt



Due Date

  • Conference Report

Attended and outlined Coaching and Development Grant Criteria

Seeking information to determine reasons for giving refereeing away.

Womens’ Development Committee re-established.

DVD Review Disc and notes to be distributed to District Associations..









Director of Finance : Mr Jimmy Oliveira



Due Date

  • Memorandum of Understanding





  • Grants






  • Association Cricket Day



  • Sponsorship of Cronulla RLRA


  • Disabled Assistance In Newcastle

Report on its history and development and its alignment with the Strategic Management Plan. Meeting to be held with D.Trodden.D.Nissan G.Pollard. P.Simpkins, F.Leonard and M.Hewitt

Applications now being accepted but need for members to be registered with the NRL. Same criteria as for 2014 for Coaching and Development Grants

with one change relating to attendance at NSWRL DVD Review Sessions.

$900 cash paid to Morrissey Family and January Board meeting moved a further $750 for the family.

Apologised for failure of the Good Guys to honour a sponsorship undertaking.

Continuing in 2015.


Director of Affiliate Liaison : Mr Doug Keen



Due Date

  • Conference Report


  • Exchanges


  • Meeting Dates
  • Level 1 and Mentor Course
  • Junior Reps Squad Delegates

Very successful. One day Conference

very popular.

Contact D.Keen and inform as some

funding is available.

South Sydney (AGM on 24th March )

15th March

Clayton Wills, Daniel Luttringer, Pat

Mackey. All have voting rights.


Director of Member Services : Mr Luke Bugden



Due Date

  • Annual Presentation Evening
  • Bowls Day
  • Possible Touch Football Carnival involving District Associations.

Friday 6th November at Concord.

May 2nd at Leichardt

Conducted in the past .Interest being sought


Director of Marketing & Communication: Mr George Jankowski



Due Date

  • No Report



Chairman : Mr Paul Simpkins

  • Conference






  • “Chairman’s Chat”


Stated that he attended the NSWRL/NSWRLRA Conference on 22ndFebruary and was impressed with the willingness shown by the District Association representatives to support and assist each other.

A welcome to Season 2015 was e-mailed to all members on the 2ndMarch. It referred particularly to the end-of-year function and the objective to get everyone together in a spirit of egalitarianism, to reunite and to share experiences.

Due Date


Acceptance of Reports : Moved: B Lynch Seconded, D.Briscoe Carried


Special Resolution

The Executive Officer called for a discussion to agree or disagree to each of the suggested changes to The Constitution as advised to all members on the 2nd February,2015 and then to move a motion of adoption of the changes when all changes had been considered. Moved B.Barry, seconded I.McCall. Carried.

The changes were considered individually . S.Betts objected to the change suggested for i.) Objects. Dot Point 4 stating that the removal of ARLRA and insertion of “support The Australian Emerging States Rugby League Referees’ Association” would see the possibility of the need to remove that clause in one or two years time. The Executive Officer said that the TAESRLRA was born out of the ARLRA at the same meeting that the ARLRA was wound up and this was his reason for suggesting the insert. On a show of hands this suggestion was carried.

Under “Definitions” the Executive Officer asked for the withdrawal of the suggested changes to Graded Squad

as , on reflection, the existing was correct.

Clause 5.8.1. The Executive Officer felt there was a contradiction with Clause 2.7.3 G.McCallum explained the differences and the need to preserve both. The existing to be preserved.

Clause 5.8.1 where the heading does not match the Dot Point 4 is to be corrected.

Section 2. Clause 2.1 P.Filmer suggested that before “and” after “Directors”insert “ may with particular reference to those contained within the Strategic Management Plan”, instead of especially. This was accepted.

All other suggested changes were accepted

Moved G.McCallum, seconded I.McCall that the changes to the Constitution be adopted and the NSW Department of Fair Trading be informed of the changes. Carried.


General Business

  1. Kasey Badger was invited to outline the roll out of the New Mod League Laws, and the resources available to assist . Kasey gave an overview of the changes.
  2. P.Filmer addressed the Draft Strategic Management Plan and apologised to R.Garwood, D.Wintin and I.Parnaby for not yet including the changes suggested. He said the Pillars reflect the current Board structure where each Director will be responsible for one of the Pillars. He said the draft was not perfect as any Management Plan isn’t and will be reviewed throughout 2015. P.Filmer moved adoption of the Plan in its current form, seconded I.McCall. Carried.
  3. The following newly Graded Members were inducted by the Chairman, Paul Simpkins, who welcomed them to the Association now in its 107th year , congratulating them on their grading , and presented them with an Association tie, traditional Metal Badge and a Gear Bag and wished them every success. New members are Mark Bohan ( 977),Taylor Cleveland Deland ( 978), Damien Simes ( 979), Matthew Treneman ( 980), Mark Hinton ( 981), Feras Karam ( 982), Shaun McHatton ( 983), Lyndsay Packer ( 984), Tim Robinson ( 9785), Darren Van de Moosdyk (986)
  4. Steve Betts thanked all those who had phoned or visited him during his recent illness.


             Meeting closed at 8.40 p.m

         Next Meeting: Monday May 4th, 2015



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