Minutes of the General Meeting 3rd March 2014
6.50 p.m
Sports House, Sydney Olympic Park, HOMEBUSH.
As per Attendance Sheets ( 43 in attendance)
Brien Gately, Greg Kelly, Brett Lynch, Adam Cassidy, Ziggy Prezeklasa-Adamski, Daniel Olford, Jon Stone, Jack O’Sulliavn, Scot Murray, Nathan Smith, Nick Beashel, Dennis Spagarino, David Jay
Minutes and Actions of this Meeting
Paul Simpkins in the Chair informed the meeting of the passing of the father of David Nissen who has been a great supporter of the Association. He then called for apologies.
Acceptance of Apologies. Moved, R.Garwood Seconded. M.Dunn Carried.
Adoption of Minutes of the Meeting of September 9th, 2013. Moved B.Barry,seconded B Ruttle, Carried.
Business Arising from Minutes of the Meeting
1. Most of the 300 Club mementos have been presented. Those in the NRL Squad to receive them at a General Meeting where they are available.
2. There were 84 Non-Active members reported as financial at the September 2013 meeting.
103 Non-Active Members were Financial at the end of the Financial Year .
3. The proposed changes to the Constitution were presented to the September Meeting, debated and accepted with minor modifications. They were submitted to the NSWRL and have been approved.
4. Although no funding was provided in 2013, the ARLRA still exists and will conduct its Annual General Meeting on the 29th March.
5. There has been no NRAS Meeting held nor scheduled for 2014 at this point. Until the National restructure of Refereeing is completed, there is some uncertainty surrounding its future.
6. CMO Courses will be funded, in the main, by the NRL. The NSWRLRA has agreed to contribute $3000 towards their cost. Courses are being decentralised with Providers being trained to implement same. David Jay resigned as the key Provider. There was no reply from Todd Greenberg to the letter drafted as moved at the meeting except to say that its receipt was noted.
7. Expenses and Balances of the Association are now being presented to the Board on a Spreadsheet as requested by the Internal Auditors.
8. The NRL has signed off on a CBA with the NRL Squad.
9. St George and University Cup Associations now sponsored by The Good Guys.
10. All Recruit a Ref monies were dispersed.
11. Presentation Evening has been hailed as a great success. Same venue booked for the 15th November, 2014.
12. Level One On-Line Registration is now available to 13 year olds at the discretion of individual Associations.
Board Minutes Summaries from 10.10.13, 09.12.13, 30.01.14 and 27.02.14 were tabled. Adoption moved by Ian McCall, seconded Tony De Las Heras. Carried.
Executive Officer: Mr Frank Leonard
Due Date
• Correspondence In
• Correspondence Out
• Acceptance of Correspondence Moved,D.Keen Seconded P.Filmer CARRIED
• Attendances
• Annual Conference
• On-Line Course
Items 11113- 02914 from September 10th 2013 to March 3rd 2014 were tabled. There were no items discussed
Items13105-140126 were tabled. There were no items discussed.
Attended the Junior Representative Squad’s Seminar on the 17th December and gave a presentation on the National Structure and administration of Rugby League and where the squad fits within the structure.
Attended the CRLRA Seminar on the 31st January, 1st and 2nd February attending all sessions .Recognised the input by Association members Michael Stone, David Jay, Chris James, Steve Clark, Doug Keen, Ben Cummins, Ashley Klein, Luke Potter , Matt Cecchin and Paul Simpkins and commented on the esteem in which members of the Association are held by the CRLRA.
Since February 7th, 2014 attended the Annual General Meetings of the Canberra, Western Suburbs, Cronulla and Canterbury Referees’ Associations where Reports on NSWRLRA developments were delivered and questions fielded.
Attended the NSWRL Annual General Meeting on Friday 21st February . Report given.
Attended three meetings with T.Danks, D.Keen and C.Crowe as well as a meeting with Association Presidents to develop an Agenda for the Annual Conference held on the 22nd and 23rdFebruary where i gave five presentations. Followed up the Conference with communication to Association secretaries as requests. Proceedings are being typed and will be forwarded during next week.
As Provider for the Illawarra ,recruited twelve new referees and saw them through the On-Line Course. Conducted a Face to Face Course with them on Sunday March 2nd assisted by Tony De Las Heras, Steve Brown and Bob Long.
Director of Referee Development : Mr Greg McCallum
Due Date
• Season Opening
• Conference
Commented on work being done by M.Lewis and his coaches with the Junior Representative squad and congratulated Tony De Las Heras on his appointment as a coach. Wished the Graded and NRL Squads the very best for Round 1 and the rest of the season.
Expressed great admiration for the change of venue and the sessions observed expressing the view that it was the best yet to be conducted.
Director of Finance : Mr Jimmy Oliveira
Due Date
• Grants
• Sponsorship
• Financial Result, 2013
• David Vidler Appeal
• Disability Support
Welcomed all Affiliated Association delegates. Informed them that Grants were now available and criteria was forwarded . Link with LeagueNet available to Veronica Vella for assistance if required.
Congratulated Adam Devcich who worked to secure the CBA for the NRL Squad. M.Damaso and self now developing a CBA for the NSW Graded Squad.
Congratulated Affiliates who have secured Good Guys sponsorship. 12 stores sponsoring to $ 88,000. Parramatta about to sign and South Sydney negotiating.
Explanation for $21,000 loss provided alluding to the cut in funding and an insistence by the NSWRL to bring the final balance down. T.Danks supported the explanation which was a paper loss and not real. Association is liquid and has ample funds in the bank.
Sought assistance from Penrith delegate for contact details for David Vidler’s family as donation of $250 was returned.
Board supported assistance to Trainers of two disabled boys at Morrie Breen Oval at The Entrance and at Newcastle.
Director of Affiliate Liaison : Mr Doug Keen
Due Date
• Annual General Meetings
• Annual Conference
• Development in Districts
Attended five meetings.
Referred to venue change and agenda
and hailed it as possibly the best held to
Met with S.Clark, B.Levy and
G.McCallum. Working to have greater
involvement of the NRL Squad in
Referee development over and above
what they do in the Districts at
Thanked Canberra for donation of
Communication gear to Tasmania.
Advertised a Level 1 and Level 2
Director of Member Services : Mr Luke Bugden
Due Date
• Referees Social Golf Club
• Relay for Life
• Presentation Evening
• Brooklyn Bash
Exploring possibility of establishment. Sought Committee members.
Inquired into possibilty of Association participating .P.Filmer involved in the event at Blacktown and spoke about his involvement and its formality. Very much a social event. Launched each year at a Golf Day at Stonecutter’s Ridge. Association to consider participation
Confirmed for Concord Function Centre on the 15th November.
Confirmed for 11th October. 20 years Anniversary.
Director of Marketing & Communication: Mr George Jankowski
Due Date
• Web-Site
• Scott Murray
Significant Association dates added.
Photos and appointments to Auckland
9’s and World Cup added.
Baby Makenna Louise born on the 11/2
to he and Adrienne. Both doing well.
Chairman : Mr Paul Simpkins
• Item
• Meetings with Stakeholders
• Referee development
• Newly Graded Members
Met with NRL Squad , Junior Representative Squad and the CRLRA and Affiliates. Feedback will be used in relation to the development of a Strategic Plan to take the Association forward over the next three years.
Met with B.Levy re development. Meetings will be on-going
Chairman made reference to the history and culture of the Association and the great benefits members have gained from membership . Graded Certificate, Badge and gear presented to James Vella, Trent Cini and Rohan Best.
Due Date
Acceptance of Reports: Moved: B.Barry , Seconded B.Ruttle. Carried
General Business
1. Election of Internal Auditors with S.Betts and P.Filmer re-elected unopposed.
2. Executive Officer spoke to the Strategic Management Plan to take the Association forward over the next three years. He informed the meeting that a meeting is to be held with an expert in the field and made a request for assistance in development of the plan which must be inclusive, not the work of one person, but one that the membership has ownership of. Therefore, all stakeholders need to be consulted and their views represented.
3. S.Watson asked questions re deductions for non attendance at Annual Conference and the ; JAYCAR Account , the former answered by J.Oliveira and the latter by G.Jankowski.
4. B.Ruttle informed meeting of injury to J..O’Sullivan Sam Chalmers health issues were also noted. Executive Officer outlined the protocols followed when the Board is alerted of a welfare issue.
5. Robert Culkin introduced again as the first and only Association Ambassador. G.McCallum moved that a blazer be purchased with the word Ambassador under the pocket, seconded by B.Barry. Carried. .Robert spoke briefly to the meeting and thanked it for the gesture.
6. B.Barry reminded meeting of the Bowls Day on the 4th May at Leichardt as well as Men of League Bowls day at Harbord.
Meeting closed at 7.55 p.m
Next Meeting: Monday May 5th, 2014