General Meeting 3rd September 2012

Minutes of General Meeting, 3rd September 2012




03 .09.12


6.58 p.m


Sports House ,Sydney Olympic Park, HOMEBUSH


As per Attendance Sheets (66 in attendance)


S.Watson, D.McLean, ,J.McGowan, A.Konneke, G.Kelly, J.Connor. G.West, G.McCallum (League Business), S.Betts, N,Beashel, A Zapantis,



Minutes and Actions of this Meeting

Chairman declared the meeting open and called for one minutes silence in memory of former graded member Jack Adams. Graded at age 22 in 1937, passed away on the 14th July . Member Number 306.


Acceptance of Apologies. Moved B.Barry Seconded I.McCall .Carried.

1Confirmation of Previous Minutes. Moved B.Gately Seconded Ian McCall . Carried.

Business Arising from Previous Minutes

  1. Recovery of fees owing by District Associations for Golf Days and Affiliation Fees. Some still to pay.
  2. Shayne Hayne elected to fill the Casual Vacancy of Director of Referee Development.
  3. Report on Newcastle Bowls Day to Reports.
  4. White Paper on Workers’ Compensation to Chairman’s Report.
  5. Sponsorship developments to several reports.
  6. Congratulatory letter forwarded to S.Clark arising from State of Origin appointments as a Video Referee as requested.
  7. National Under 12 Championships to Executive Officer’s Report.
  8. All Schools Carnival to Executive Officer’s and Director of Affiliate Liaison’s Report .
  9. School Holidays Referees’ Seminars conducted by the ARLD and the CRL were a great success and will be repeated in 2013. Sincere thanks to Association members who acted as Presenters.
  10. Meeting of Chairman and Shayne Hayne with Geoff Carr to Chairman’s and Executive Officer’s Reports.
  11. MOU for the NRL Squad developed by the Workplace Relations Committee with assistance from TressCox Lawyers was presented to the ARLC on the 23rd August.
  12. NRL Squad and Video Referees receiving Match Payments will have their membership fees taken from the September payroll.
  13. Third Quarter Audit was conducted by P.Kalina and P.Filmer during July. Director of Finance to report.
  14. Indigenous Referees’ Seminar to Director of Affiliate Liaison’s report.
  15. Drew Oultram Golf Day to Director of Affiliate Liaisons report.
  16. Letter sent to Adam Hawes at Channel 10 thanking him for the story on Robert Culkin.
  17. Gear order has been placed on hold at the direction of Tony Danks. Director of Member Services to report.
  18. Letters and a gift forwarded to Kevin Roberts and Bob Tinsley as requested .Both Annette Roberts and Mrs

Tinsley had contacted the Association offering their thanks for the gesture.

Board Minutes Summaries from 26.07.12 and 30.08.12

BUSINESS ARISING: P Kalina asked why theproposal re Coaching and Development for 2013 prepared by the Chairman an Shayne Hayne had not been submitted to the Board for approval prior to its submission. C. Ward stated that a misunderstanding had arisen between himself and G.Carr, that a meeting was to occur prior to the proposal being submitted but this hd not occurred. The proposal was submitted on the 30th August,2012. P.Kalina asked if there wasinvolvement from the rest of the Board given that the NSWRL had withdrawn the funding for Coaching and Development. C.Ward said that there was none. P.Kalina said that he could not believe that a matter of such importance didn’t lead to a Special Meeting of the Board. A debate followed involving the Chairman and P.Kalina who was asked by the Chairman to be seated or, if he wished, to “step outside”. When D.Spagarino said that in twenty nine years he had never known a Chairman to invite a member outside of the meeting, the Chairman clarified his statement saying that he was referring to the conduct of a discussion outside the meeting.

The Executive Officer stated that he was disappointed that he had not been invited by the Chairman to the meeting with G.Carr , given he was also the Deputy Chairman of the NSWRLRA, and had received no report on it from the Chairman until the Board meeting of the 30th August. He said he had arranged a meeting with G.Carr, himself, in the interim, where discussion took place on Coaching and Development, Sponsorship and Social Function spending. He said the reason given for the change to the arrangement re management and control of Coaching and Development was a perception that the Board of the NSWRL had developed regarding the change in the direction and control of it that was being made by some members of the Association.

ADOPTION OF BOARD MINUTES. Moved G.Badger        Seconded   R.Garwood. Carried.

Executive Officer: Mr Frank Leonard



Due Date

  • Correspondence In




  • Correspondence Out


Acceptance of Correspondence Moved B.Beveridge, Seconded G.Badger   CARRIED


Items 8612- 11412 were tabled resulting in:

S.Clark moved that 11312 be stood over to General Business.

Items 1272 to 1283 were tabled. No discussion.






Acceptance of Report: Adoption Moved   B.Barry Seconded G.Badger. Carried

Director of Referee Development : Mr Shayne Hayne



Due Date

No Report


Resignation received on the 30thAugust,2012.



Acceptance of Report: Moved Seconded. Carried

Director of Finance : Mr Jimmy Oliveira



Due Date

  • Thanks


  • Administration Grants


  • Workplace Relations Committee







  • Internal audit



  • Sponsorship












  • Honorariums




Affiliated Associations have now completed data entries.

All paid except Manly. C and D grants all paid.

Thanked T.Archer and A. Devcich for the submission of the Memorandum of Understanding prepared and presented to NRL. Reason lawyers engaged was that active members should not be involved in negotiations.The NRL membership fees for 2012 were being used to fund engagement.

All clear with some questions on expenditures for which explanations were provided.

Peak Sports. Shoes provided at 50% plus discount.

“Good Guys” .offer. Information forwarded to District Associations . Executive Officer reported on conversation with G.Carr re no competing advertising on Grade/NRL jerseys and the issue of intellectual property claimed by Nathan McGuirk over Graded Squad jerseys. Recommended that “ Good Guys” sponsorship be available to District Associations only.

Recommendations outlined and reasons for same to be put before the meeting in General Business.


Acceptance of Report: Moved D.Munro, Seconded S.Murray. Carried

Director of Affiliate Liaison : Mr Doug Keen



Due Date

  • Awards




  • District Grand Finals





  • Coaching Session




  • Under 12 National Championships






  • Ricky Walford Shield



  • Attendances



  • Indigenous Referees’ Seminar



  • Drew Oultram Golf Day

Seeking nominations from District

Associations for the Dennis Braybrook

and Les Matthews Awards and the most

improved Senior and Junior referees.

1st and 2nd September was a busy

week-end with seven Grand Finals

played. Reports suggest it went off very

well. One incident at Cronulla was

reported upon.

Some District Coaches and Match Day

Assessors attended a Video-Session on

Coaching on the evening of the 30th


Assistant Referees’ Co-ordinator over

the week of the 4th-12th August assisting

F.Leonard who did a great job in

organising, appointing and debriefing

the referees and liaising with Carnival


Conducted in Walgett. Indebted to

G.Badger, B.Cummins, A.Moller and

P.Dorahy for their assistance.

Souths Grand Final Referees’ Dinner.

Norths, Manly and South Sydney Grand


Conducted over three days. Thanked

W.Harrigan and the Presenters for a

very successful event.

Eight attended. $15,000 raised making

a total of $50,000 to assist Drew.

$30,000 to go to a Trust Fund to assist

in education and $20,000 to general

finances. Thanked F.Leonard,

B.Gilchrist and B.Beveridge for their

assistance. .

C.Ward congratulated D.Keen and

S.Clapson for organising the day and

D.Keen for the great job he did as M.C.

B.Gilchrist reported on his accident in

the Club Golf Cart and thanked

F.Leonard, D.Keen and S.Clapson for

their follow up phone calls.




Acceptance of Report: Moved G.Jankowski, Seconded K.Badger . Carried.

Director of Member Services : Mr Jon Stone



Due Date

  • Seniors/Life Members Luncheon                                 Invitations have been forwarded Seeking


  • Presentation Evening                                                     Invitations to be forwarded shortly.
  • Sponsorship                                                                  “Instant Sponsors” sought to sponsor

                                                                                         Grand Final day but not permitted by the

                                                                                        ARLC because of the Intellectual Property

                                                                                         issue Not interested in sleeve sponsorship.

  • All Schools Carnival Barbecue                                      Thanked F.Leonard, D.Keen, M.Weekes

                                                                                         and G.Creamer for preparation.

  • Drew Oultram Golf Day                                                  Congratulated D.Keen and S.Clapson

                                                                                         on the day .$15,000 raised.  



Acceptance of Report: Moved B.Barry, Seconded G.Badger. Carried

Director of Marketing & Communication: Mr George Jankowski

Item                                     Item


Due Date

  • Web Page Items










  • NRL Debriefs



  • Request for Photos

The following achievements by

Association members listed :-

500 Games … S.Clark, P.Cooley

300 Games ….S.Carrall

200 Games…..J.Robinson

100 Games….. A.Klein


PHOTO.. NRL Squad.

Prime Ministers’ Test Match in PNG.

P.Haines appointed.

Attending , liaising and keeping the

NRL Squad informed as to

developments in the Association.

Seeking anything suitable for the Web

Page/ Annual Report.




Acceptance of Report: Moved L.Nicholls Seconded  R.Garwood. Carried.

Chairman : Mr Chris Ward

  • Resignation of S.Hayne







  • ARLD Coaching Seminar



  • Role of Director of Referee Development





  • Meeting with Nathan McGuirk



  • Resignation of Gavin King


  • Meeting with Geoff Carr














  • Workplace Relations




  • Sponsorship





  • Penrith Life Members/ Presentation Evening


  • Questions of the Chairman

Chairman said he had not accepted. Shayne’s resignation. Following discussions Shayne had agreed to take leave of absence for two weeks and dialogue is continuing. Chairman stated that the Issue may be resolved only in the context of the ARLC Review.

Attended in July. Very informative and well conducted. Congratulated Kasey Badger and all who contributed.

Met with G.Carr together with S.Hayne to discuss the role as per the NSWRLRA Document

“Description of Director’s Roles” , Version 2009.

Continuing discussions in regards to the Association’s continuing role in referee Coaching and Development.

Discussion with Gavin re his resignation from the Graded Squad.

Following numerous meetings with S.Hayne preparing the 2013 NSWRLRA Coaching and Development proposal where , as stated by the Chairman, “ our focus has correctly been on getting it right and creating the right pathways to the NRL and generate much more success in having our members graded to the NRL”, met with G.Carr on 20thAugust 2012. Chairman said he had expressed the Association’s disappointment in his letter and Geoff had agreed to consider the Association’s plan with further discussion to take place.

Collective Agreement with the NRL. Referees pleased with Association’s support and TressCox involvement. Dialogue is under way.

Spoken to Cameron Dearsley and Cassandra Watts regarding GIO Insurance discounts. Referee information provided to GIO. Now awaiting a date for a formal meeting.

Thanked Penrith Association for invitation. A very enjoyable evening.

P.Kalina asked the Chairman to indicate where the Constitution allows him to grant a resigning member leave of absence. Chairman stated that the same offer was made to G.McCallum where the precedent was set.

P.Kalina asked the Chairman to expand upon the submission to G.Carr. Chairman refused stating he would not do that until after the meeting with G.Carr. .P.Kalina then referred the Chairman to his quest for transparency and honesty and asked for details on the proposed removal of all Development Squad coaches leaving only a Head Coach and the replacement of current Match Day Assessors with up to fifteen NRL referees.

The Chairman terminated the discussion on the grounds that this was hearsay.


Due Date


ACCEPTANCE OF REPORT: Moved: R.Garwood, Seconded D.Munro. Carried



M.Dunn. Dates for CMO Level 1 given to the Executive Officer for distribution to District Associations. Date for a CMO Level 2 course being explored.


  1. I.McCall. Bowls Day held on the 2nd September was well supported and hosted by Newcastle. Excellent day and could not have gone ahead without the support of Association, Thanked B.Barry on behalf of Sydney Bowlers and P.Digby on behalf of Newcastle Bowlers. Newcastle won the day and were presented with the Might and Power Trophy. Ian reported that A.Konneke is not well and was, therefore, unable to participate.


General Business.


  1. S.Clark asked for S.Hayne’s letter of resignation to be read stating that under the present Chairmanship two Directors of Referee Development had resigned. Following the reading of the letter by the Executive Officer, he said the concern is not for the Graded Squad and Junior Representative Squad as they are very well coached to get them to the pathway to the NRL.The Role of the Director of Referee Coaching & Development, as Shayne was advised at a meeting he attended with T.Danks and D.Spagarino, is to develop District referees.. Now that S.Hayne has been given 2-3 weeks leave of absence the Districts are being neglected and plans for 2013 not occurring.

C.Ward stated that the criteria as printed in the Call for Expression of Interest was not what S.Hayne was offered and he left very disillusioned.

M.Ryan said that the meeting was not hearing from the Active members. He said there was a need to understand what the current Board wants…Collective agreement, clarity and certainty, value in membership, more transparency, fairness and confidence in the Coaching & Development system. He said there was scope for improvement and the Old Guard don’t understand what that scope is.

S.Clark said he had never seen M.Ryan at a training session, that he recognised that the system can be improved upon…it is very good but can be improved. He said he wanted to see referees well coached and that there are people out there who have their eyes on coaching positions, and that is what it is about. He said he took offence at what M.Ryan said about the current standard of Coaching and Development..

M.Lewis supported S.Clark’s remarks stating that nothing in coaching is ever perfect. He said that what M.Ryan had missed was the level of care and attention provided by the coaches through phone, e-mail and personal contact.

P.Filmer said he took exception to what had been said by M.Ryan and what was purported to be contained in the document presented to G.Carr by the Chairman. He cited examples of the work he had done as a coach and the hours spent . He said that someone who had never attended a coaching session did not have the right to level criticism as M.Ryan had done. He said he was willing to sit down with M.Ryan and give him the facts.

C.Ward gave an undertaking that the position would be re-advertised on Tuesday 4th September.


  1. G.Tunks thanked the Trainers for assisting with the St George District Grand Finals held on Saturday 1st September.


  1. T.Danks expressed his thanks to the NRL referees and others who had assisted with the conduct of the All Schools’ Carnival.


  1. D.Ryan informed the meeting that an Active Members Social Function would be held on the 1stNovember and extended an invitation to all to attend.



  1. K. Badger thanked the Board for the $400 provided for the Coaching Clinic conducted during the school holidays attended by 40 referees.. She thanked all those who were actively involved in it.


  1. B.Gately asked if the Brooklyn Bash was organised and was advised that it had not yet been discussed.


  1. G.Badger reported on a mentoring programme organised by S.Clark where twelve NRL referees will be involved in the conduct of a Summer School for members of the Junior Representative Squad. He congratulated S. Clark on the initiative. He also reported on a very successful school holidays Seminar held at Port Macquarie involving S.Hayne, P.Bungate, T Hardy( CRLRA) and himself. Gavin also said he had participated in the Drew Oultram Golf Day. He congratulated D.Keen and S.Clapson on its organisation saying it made him very proud to be a referee.


  1. It was reported that both P.Bungate and P.Reynolds had experienced a loss in their family and that flowers and a card had been forwarded to them.


Call for Life Members:


The Chairman called for nominations for Life Membership resulting in the following:-

Michael Lewis . Moved by B.Gilchrist, seconded by P.Kalina.

Steven Clark.     Moved by D.Keen, seconded by L.Bugden.

David Jay.         Moved by T.Danks, seconded by D.Spagarino.

L.Bugden.         Moved by G.Jankowski, seconded by B.Gately.




The Chairman invited B.Gichrist to act as Chairman whilst Honorariums were discussed.The meeting decided to leave the Honorariums at the same level as for 2011, vis:

Executive Officer … $3,850; Chairman .. $2,860; Director of Finance.. $2,420; Director of Member Services .. $2,420; Director of Affiliate Liaison..$1,650; Director of marketing and Communications.. $1,650; Director of Coaching and Development.. $1,650 on a pro rata basis to G.McCallum and S.Hayne.

B.Gilchrist said that the amounts agreed upon did not reflect the hours spent by Directors but represented a gesture of thanks for the contribution made to the Association over the 2011-2012 period from the membership.


            Meeting closed at 9.07 p.m

         Next Meeting: Annual General Meeting, Monday December 10th 2012



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