Minutes of General Meeting 9th September 2013
NSW Leagues Club, Phillip Street, SYDNEY
As per Attendance Sheets (43 in attendance)
Dennis.Spagarino, William Drury ( CRLRA), Bill Harrigan, Brett Lynch ( League Business),Tony De las Heras, Daniel Olford, Max Dunn, David Munro, Lawrence McDonell, Jon Stone, Steve Clapson, Joshua McGowan
Minutes and Actions of this Meeting
Chairman opened the meeting and asked members to observe one minutes silence in memory of the passing of Vince McGuiness, Jack Orme, Lindsay Klein , brother of Ashley Klein, David Caravelo , the son-in-law of Bert Reedy and Robert Weekes, father of Martin Weekes and Gus McGilvray.
Acceptance of Apologies. Moved P.Filemer , Seconded, B.Barry . Carried.
Business Arising from Previous Minutes
1 . There were 11 widows of former Graded members at the luncheon organised for them They want to be known, in future as “Partners of Former Members”.
2. 300 Club membership criteria was established and the recipients identified. They will receive a presentation at the Life Members/ Seniors luncheon.
3. Non-Active financial membership is now at a record 84 members. Letters to be forwarded to the thirty four that remain outstanding. 30th September is the cut-off. Only those who are financial will have their names recorded in the Annual Report.
4. Stan Watson has been named as one of three national finalists for the One Community Award.
5. Partners of officials appointed to State of Origin III in Brisbane were issued with tickets for partners by the NRL.A first after requests extending over three years. Action of the Executive Officer to be commended.
6. Suggestions for Changes to the Constitution were forwarded to all members together with an invitation to make further suggestions. One received.
7. Noah Simpkins ( South Sydney) and Blake Williams ( Wests) reported to have performed very well at the National U/12 Schoolboy Championships in Perth.
8. NSW Referees’ Bowls Day was held at Leichardt Bowling Club on the 8th September.
Confirmation of Previous Minutes. Moved B.Gately Seconded B.Barry. Carried.
Board Minutes: Summaries from Meetngs of the 25th July and the 5th September were made available to the meeting. The following questions were raised:-
Gavin Badger asked when information re the Providers’ meeting was forwarded. D.Keen indicated that information had been sent to Association Secretaries with three follow up reminders.
Stan Watson asked if North Sydney Association was one of the four Associations not yet in receipt of their Administration and/or Coaching and Development Grants. J.Oliveira indicated in the affirmative and, after discussion agreed to follow up with Cameron O’Riordan.
ADOPTION OF MINUTES SUMMARIES: Moved B.Beveridge, Seconded D.Jay. Carried.
Executive Officer: Mr Frank Leonard
Due Date
• Correspondence In
• Correspondence Out
• Acceptance of Correspondence. Moved B.Gately and Seconded B.Barry that it be received and the actions of the Executive Officer be endorsed.. Carried
• Attendances
• NSW All Schools’ Carnival
• Level 1 Face to Face Course
• ARLRA Teleconference
• N.R.A.S Committee Meeting
• Illawarra Finals Series
• Constitution Revision
• N.R.A.S Providers’ Meeting
• Life Members/Seniors Luncheon
• Brad Fittler Medal Presentation
• Meeting with Dave Trodden.. CEO of the NSWRL
Items 9613-11113 tabled ..
Items 1381-13104 tabled..
Illawarra General Meeting on 26.08.13 giving an ARLRA, NSWRLRA and Illawarra Provider’s Reports.
Attended for the three days Acting as a Referees’ Co-ordinator and Assessor for two grounds at The Kingsway for the Monday and Tuesday and at Whalan on Wednesday. Addressed all who attended the barbecue on Tuesday evening.
Presented a face to face Course in the Illawarra on the 28th July.
Attended and participated at North Sydney on the 24thAugust.Association’s future remains undetermined pending further discussion with Nathan McGuirk.
Attended on the 29th August and prepared and distributed a Report on the meeting to all District Associations and to members of the Board.
Member of an Appointments Committee that made appointments for the Finals Series in Mod League and the Merged Illawarra/Group7 competitions completed on the 31st August.
Worked with Luke Bugden to complete the proposed revision of the Constitution and forwarded it to members 23 days prior to the General meeting on the 9th October as required by the existing Constitution.
Attended as the Provider for the Illawarra where Jeremy Kurtz ( NRL) provided information on On-Line Registration of Courses.
Engaged Roy Masters as Guest Speaker for the function and liaised with him re flight bookings and a Bio. Prepared invitations for Guests, Life Members, Seniors and representatives of the NRL and Graded squads.
Organised a table of 10 to represent the Association consisting of four Directors and six of the best performed members of the Graded squad.
Very productive meeting on the 5th September addressing the structure of refereeing within the NSWRLRA and Affiliated Associations; A Strategic Management Plan; Funding of CMO
• NSW Referees Bowls Day
• Funding of CMO Courses
Courses; Treatment of Volunteers by current Game Management personnel; Association membership fees to be paid by QLD based referees officiating in the NRL competition; Badgeing; Dave’s philosophy on how the game should be managed. He is not a fan of a centralised model.
Attended and participated .
F.Leonard reported on the discussion that occurred at the Providers’ Meeting regarding the change in the funding arrangement for candidates applying to attend two scheduled CMO Courses in 2014. He said it was obvious that District Association representatives were incensed by the policy change that occurred without any consultation with the NSWRLRA or the Districts. He said that the issue is now confused as , initially, District Associations were to meet the $250 accommodation costs plus a $50 deposit that would be refunded if the candidate attended. In a conversation with Max Dunn on the 5th September this policy appears to have been changed where Brad Levy stated that the NSWRLRA would fund the attendance of candidates. F.Leonard stated that he had been informed by the NSWRL that there would not be funding for CMO Courses in the 2013-14 NSWRLRA Budget. Following discussion it was Moved T.Danks, seconded B.Gately that the Association write to the NRL through Brad Levy to object in the strongest terms to the manner in which CMO Course are to be conducted in the future. P.Filmer moved an amendment that was accepted by the mover and the seconder that a copy of the letter be sent to CEO of the NRL, Todd Greenberg. CARRIED.
Director of Referee Development : Mr Tony De las Heras
Due Date
• No Report
Director of Finance : Mr Jimmy Oliveira
Due Date
• Internal Audit
P.Filmer and S.Betts conducted an Internal Audit . Only issues were a request to present Expenses and Bank Balances at Board meetings on a
• Collective Bargaining Agreement—NRL Squad
• Grants
• Sponsorship
• Trainers for Grand Finals
• Annual Report
• Honorarium Recommendation
Spreadsheet and to ensure Directors’ Expenses and Travel Claims are approved at Board Meetings and recorded in the Minutes.
This has been accepted by the NRL as an agreement going forward into 2014.
Three Associations yet to meet the criteria for payment of their Administration and/or Coaching and Development Grants.
Working with the St George Association and the Taren Point “Good Guys” store re a possible sponsorship.
The Board has increased the payment from $200 to $250 for the day.
The new Auditor will be contacted during the approach to the end of the Association’s Financial year which is September 30th.
Made available to the meeting and G.McCallum thanked for printing the document.
Director of Affiliate Liaison : Mr Doug Keen
Due Date
• All Schools Carnival
• Les Matthews Trophy and Dennis Braybrook Award
• National U/12 Schoolboy Championships
• Recruit A Ref Programme
• District Association Feedback
Thanked the Districts for supplying referees and MDA’s.
Seeking nominations from District Associations for consideration for recognition at the Volunteer of the Year Awards evening.
NSWRLRA representatives officiate very well.
$12,000 received from the NRL and will be distributed shortly.
Reports received from North Sydney, Manly and Western Suburbs Associations.
.Director of Member Services : Mr Luke Bugden
Due Date
• Presentation Evening
• Brooklyn Bash
Date set as the 26th October Invitations to be forwarded in the week ending 13th September.
Date is the 10th October.
Director of Marketing & Communication: Mr George Jankowski
Due Date
• Group Photographs
• Meeting with Daniel Anderson
NRL Squad, MDA’s, Board, Active members all taken.
Invited him to write a Report for the Annual Report, extended invitations to attend a Board meeting and the Life Members luncheon
• Web Page
• Arthur Cole
• Gus McGilvray and Vince McGuiness
Placed numerous stories and articles . Averaging 20,000 hits per month.
Spoke to his wife, Betty. Arthur now in Nursing Home at Miranda.
Both passed away. Seeking photographs for the Annual Report.
Chairman : Mr Michael Stone
• Thank You
Chairman thanked the Directors for the manner in which the Association was managed during his absence.
ACCEPTANCE OF REPORTS: Moved: G.Badger Seconded S.Watson. Carried
1. Ian McCall reported on the Bowls Day held on the 8th September. Forty Five players participated with Newcastle bowlers unable to attend. Thanked the Executive Officer for his attendance and expressed his appreciation for the support given by the Association and looks forward to more referee retirees joining in the future. He congratulated Brian Barry on his organisation of the day.
2. N.R.A.S Report. (D.Keen). N.R.A.S Committee has agreed to a proposal for thirteen year olds to be recruited as
referees under a process that involves monitored exposure to refereeing prior to making a commitment, gaining of
an on-Line Level 1 Certificate and refereeing Mini League under supervision . S.Betts spoke against the proposal
seeing it as another example of change without consultation. .D.Keen stated that Trials had been conducted
during 2013. Concern expressed at a Canberra proposal to recruit parents to follow a similar programme but not
become members of a Referees Association. Issue of Child Protection was raised.
2. B.Gateley reported that the Men of League Foundation conducted a presentation of a plaque to members who received recognition for their contribution to the development of Junior referees at North Sydney and Manly. The recipients were Brian Barry ( North Sydney) and Barry Cross ( Manly) . The meeting acknowledged both through acclamation.
General Business
1. Special Resolution to amend the 2009 Version of the Constitution.
Martyn Ryan foreshadowed objection to four of the proposed amendments. Clause 2.9 (e) Moved M.Ryan, seconded M.Damaso that the Clause be removed. LOST. Moved B.Barry, seconded D. Jay that it be preserved. Carried.
Moved M.Ryan, seconded N.Smith that Clause 5.14.2 be altered.. Following discussion a Secret ballot was called for by M.Ryan. . Motion moved by B.Barry , seconded by F.Leonard that N.Smith and G.McCallum be appointed scrutineers. Motion was LOST.
Moved M.Ryan, seconded N.Smith that Clause 1.3 under Directors’ Roles and Responsibilities be deleted. LOST. Moved S.Betts, seconded B.Lucas that amendments to Directors Roles and Responsibilities be adopted. CARRIED.
Moved M.Ryan that Clauses 3.3 and 3.4 be deleted. Motion lapsed for lack of a seconder.
Moved B.Gateley, seconded B.Barry that the amendments to the Roles and responsibilities of Directors be adopted. CARRIED.
Moved M.Ryan, seconded N.Smith that the Standing Orders as written be adopted. CARRIED
Moved A.Zapantis, seconded G.Badger that the amendments to the Code of Conduct be adopted. CARRIED
Chairman stated that he was pleased that there was discussion on the Constitution.
B.Gately commended F.Leonard, L.Bugden and M.Ryan on the work they had put into the amendments .Carried by acclamation.
2. Nominations for Life Membership
S.Clark, D.Jay , B.Lynch, T.Kelly, P.Digby
3. Honorariums
Moved J.Oliveira, seconded D.Keen that S.Betts be appointed Acting Chairperson. Carried.
The Honorariums Recommendation prepared by the Director of Finance was put to the meeting. Moved B.Gately, seconded N.Smith that the Honorariums for 2013 be as follows:
Executive Officer $3965.00
Chairman $2945.00
Director of Finance $2495.00
Director of Member Services $2495.00
Director of Affiliate Liaison $1700.00
Director of Coaching and Development $1700.00
Director of Marketing and Communication $1700.00
The amounts represent an increase of 3% over 2012.
S.Betts stated that this increase in no way reflects the effort put in by all Directors but, in a small way, thanks them for the work done.
Chairman, M.Stone , thanked the members present for the decision taken and expressed his thanks to the Board which had worked hard and harmoniously throughout the year.
4. Date for Life Members/ Seniors Luncheon
T.Danks drew attention to the clash of dates for the luncheon and the Grand Finals of the Sydney Shield and Ron Massey Cup being played at St.Mary’s. L.Bugden explained the reason for bringing the date forward being due to the Navy celebrations in the city on the 6th October that would see in excess of one million people in the CBD making transport and access to Phillip Street difficult.
Moved B.Gately, seconded B.Barry that Ballot Papers be destroyed. Carried.
Meeting closed at 8.39 p.m
Next Meeting: TBA following the Annual General Meeting.